Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Tuesday, July 15, 2008 0

“Global Warming”…We often read this word many times via various sources like
newspapers ,news channels etc…But ,What we do about it ? Just Listen ,Show a little concern and let it go. We are not percieving it properly ,not giving the concern and attention it needs from Us.
Mark Twain has remarkably said, “Everyone talks about weather but nobody ever does anything about it”. Global Warming is one of the most serious long term environmental threats our planet facing today.An international scientific consensus predicts that average global temperature will rise during the coming century and the resulting changes will have substantial and adverse impacts on global weather patterns.
Global Warming is not a future prediction, its already happening. Some of the already observed examples in climate changes are :

•Increase in global average surface temp of about 10F in 20th century.
•Decrease of snow cover and sea ice extent.
•Rise in Global sea-level and increase in ocean water temperature.
•Increase in frequency of extreme precipitation events in some regions of World.

So, if we have minuscule intelligence, we can make out that how dreadful the consequences may be if we don’t show the concern for it today.Most of Us are not aware of what global warming can really do to us in near future.Here are some happenings which are quite expected of Global warming..:

•More heat waves, more risk of heat related diseases and deaths.
•Cities and towns along major rivers likely to experience frequent flooding.
•More extensive and prolonged draught.
•Some irretrievable changes to experience at some relaxing sites like lakes, streams etc.

The scientific consensus is in.Our planet is warming and we are helping make it happen by contributing more heat trapping gases like carbon dioxide(CO2). Burning of fossil fuels including in our automobiles account for nearly 75% of annual CO2 emissions from human activities.Deforestation accounts for another 20%.

For years, we have heard so much about climate changes, that we missed the fact that there are some simple ,practical solutions that can slow down this growing problem ,if not finish.By investing in renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency products, we can take some mandatory steps towards reducing our dependencies on oil and reduce global warming simultaneously.Some common sense solutions like fuel efficient vehicles, renewable energy sources, protecting threatened forests would definitely not only help to reduce global warming but also save us a lot of money.
But……these solutions are on the part of businesses and govt. Have you ever thought whats your own personal contribution to Global warming.?? Must be NO..isnt’it ?

There are various easy means through which we can reduce our personal contribution to this great problem.To start with, saving gasoline, oil, electricity in your daily life. It’s understable that these solutions doesn’t seem to be much practical and above that we just think..’Why we first’.Obviously ,its human tendency to think so. But ,why don’t we think that ‘Why not we first’.Start and set example for others to follow.Not much to do ,just some simple changes to bring in daily life..This would save you a lot of money too.

•Using a fuel efficient car. Not much compromising with quality but still many good cars available with good fuel efficiency.
•Switching off lights as soon as they are not in use.Plan a target to reduce electricity bill to a considerable extent.

•Preferring bikes instead of cars for small distances and walk instead of bike for very small distances.
•If possible,using public transport sometimes instead of always using personal car always.

India ranks fourth in the ranking of top CO2 emmiters in the world, toppers being USA,China, and Russia.
Procrastination is no more any viable option.Scientists agree that if we wait for another 10, 20 yrs ,problem will become much more difficult to handle and consequences can be very much more serious.
Lets take some action today.Dont wait for tomorrow.
Commiting ourselves to action today can help ensure our children and grandchildren inherit a healhy and joyful life !
Note :If you have any other ideas to share about how we can contribute to reducing this global threat to some extent ,please be free to share.Please post your comments here to share your views globally.
Thank you.
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